The CW-21 Was A Good Looking Airplane

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
Say what you want. It sure looked good. And that was in 1939.
Notice the column about Vega expansion for the Uni-Twin conversion of a Lockheed Altair. The Uni-Twin was a double Menasco.
I think first use of a V-tail was on a BF-109.


Very cool. But not quite the apparent-unicorn V-tail single engine radial I was suggesting.

But it was possible, I like the look of the radial Bf 109.

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I found it! The first, and apparently only example of a radial-powered single-engine V-tail, the Hanriot H.28. Albeit with a rotary radial, rather than the fixed cylinder block with rotating crankshaft that we associate with later radial engines. The CW-21 would have looked great in this format.


Subject title: Presentation of the Hanriot H.28 aircraft with a modified tail at the Mokotowskie airport in Warsaw
Description of the painting: Hanriot H.28 aircraft taking off with a butterfly-type tail, modified by E. Plage and T. Laśkiewicz, designed by Jerzy Rudlicki.
Event date: 1931-09-19
Place: Warsaw
Notice the column about Vega expansion for the Uni-Twin conversion of a Lockheed Altair. The Uni-Twin was a double Menasco.
That was done along with a one and a half pike off the ten metre platform wasn't it ?

I know, I know, engine right ?

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