The few get fewer

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Read about it too just now. :salute: Rest In Peace mr. Walker
They said on the news he was the last one, is that true?

Wondered about that too...the BBC piece says 'oldest surviving' BoB pilot, which (at least to me) does not necessarily mean last surviving BoB pilot. Given his date of birth I suspect there must be a few more out there (albeit not much)
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They said on the news he was the last one, is that true?

There are about 60 Battle of Britain veterans still with us. There are 2,936 names on the memorial at Capel le Ferne on the Kent coast.

Walker was older than most of his peers,I reckon he would have been 27/28 years old in 1940.

He came from a family of brewers.....good man!

He was also something of a poet.

Those unwell and far away
Those who never lived to see
The end of war and victory
And every friend who passed our way
Remembered as of yesterday
It's absent friends we miss the most
To all, let's drink a loving toast.



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