The Food Thread

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I actually turned down a chance to work for him many years ago !

Met him once at a hotel i was a free lance head chef at, cooked him a steak sandwich
Very nice guy in person his tv personality is hyped up for entertainment

That's what I've read.

Why did you turn it down?
That's what I've read.

Why did you turn it down?
At that time working in London restaurants meant working 18hr days 6 or 7 days a week, pay wasnt amazing as they relied on their "name" to attract staff.
Being a chef can be hard enough never mind working those sort of hours, plus drugs were a real problem in kitchens in those days in mid 90's to get you through the week !
I just didnt fancy living like that, dont think i would've ended up getting married to Annmarie, my girlfriend at the time (now my wife of 26 years) too

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