The Food Thread

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There is a hot dog place in Berkeley CA near the UC campus, Top Dog.
Been there since the late 60's. I used to stop there regular when I lived in Berzerkley!
My son still does. I always had two, a Hot (Louisiana Hot Sausage) and a Bock (Bock-wurst).
The hot first, the the Bock to cool my mouth. Lordy they are good!!!!!!
In OZ, nada!
Over on another thread, someone mentioned an internet meme "flaming strawberry Pop-Tarts". That actually sounds pretty good. I was thinking about how to make it.
As a thought experiment, rochie , would you toast it first and then use cognac or brandy (Grand Mariner?) or skip the toaster and drench the delicate industrial pastry then light it up?
I want the table festive when the family gathers round for Groundhog Day celebrations.
toasted first, i say !
Flaming Strawberry Pop tarts are a real thing.
Here is one such article that covers the phenomenon:

You're welcome...

if i click on this link, will i become as annoyed as Gordon Ramsey ?
Who has a slow cooker and what can one do with it?
Just got one as a gift. I like to cook, aint bad at cooking, but what did you do with it?
Who has a slow cooker and what can one do with it?
Just got one as a gift. I like to cook, aint bad at cooking, but what did you do with it?
mostly casserole type stuff works the best, if it has a removable liner that is also oven proof like the one i used to have its great for doing casseroles then adding suet dumplings on top and baking in the over so they are crispy on top but nice and soft underneath !


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