Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
Ivan, is this something that plagued the Mini14 throughout it's entire run, or was there differences between the years?I personally haven't ever tested this theory, but my understanding is that generally mediocre accuracy from the Ruger No.1 is because of the way the wooden foreend is hung on the gun. Folks try to isolate the wood from the barrel and sometimes put in a tensioning screw to put pressure from the foreend hanger to the barrel and tune it for accuracy.
- Ivan.
Thanks slaterat, I agree!I like your .300 Savage GrauGeist. That's a true classic.
When I was a youngster, I had the opportunity to run some rounds through a family member's .300 Savage, and I immediately fell in love with it. It was the model with the brass rib over the foresight and brass round indicator, instead of the usual steel version. It took me decades to find a similiar one!