Major General
"Bullet weight was 1160 grains (75 grams)and the propellant charge was 325 grains of Cordite for the W Mark I and 370 grains of nitro-cellulose for the W Mark Iz.Velocity at 90 feet was 2,900 feet per second (883m/s) at a maximum mean pressure of 22 tsi and penetration was seven out of ten shots must penetrate 27mm armour plate at 100 yards."German 15mm with steel projectile (72 g at 850 m/s) was good for 25mm or armor at 90 deg impact and at 300m. The Pz-I and -II is a fair game, while the Pz-III or IV will require an ideal hit from behind - not somthing we can count on.
Pz 35 (t) 25mm armor on the front. 15/16mm armor on the sides and rear.
Pz 38 (t) 25mm armor on the front. 15/16mm armor on the sides and rear. The versions with more armor don't leave the factory until Nov 1940
Pz IIIE in France had 30mm front and sides, rear of turret was 30mm, hull was 21mm. Any of the older versions with 14.5/15mm armor had been taken out of service in Feb 1940.
Pz IV B&C had 30mm front as built and 15mm sides and rear. some were up armored before France but not everywhere.
Pz IV D had 30mm front as built and 20mm sides and rear but again, not all were unarmored and not all got 100% coverage of up armoring (some were far from it).
British knowledge of the up armoring??
It is not ideal, it is what you have and the alternatives need more work (heck the 15mm may need work for aircraft mounting)
Yes and no.Ro.57 was eventually rated for a 1000 kg bomb, the Hs 129 for a 7.5cm cannon - I'd say that these compact aircraft were substantial enough for 37mm artillery
Hurricane carried two 40mm guns, that were much more powerful than the 2 pdr pom-poms.
The Vickers 2pdr used in aircraft used a much longer recoil stroke than the 2pdr pom-pom. The peak recoil loads were less than a 20mm Hispano. The 2pdr Vickers delivered more total recoil but it was spread out over a longer period of time.
The Pak 7.5 cm AT gun recoiled over 1 meter in distance. Spread the recoil out so the gun didn't bounce around all over the place on it's wheels. The Tank cannon with about the same recoil only recoiled about 30-40CM (?) but you had a 20-25 ton vehicle keeping it in place. It also only a few shells per flight.
I don't know about the French 37mm, the Italian 37mm AA gun was noted for poor accuracy because it vibrated the deck mount/plates.
Not all guns are adaptable for aircraft use without a lot modification.