The Hunter of Nazis Passess Away

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2nd Lieutenant
Nov 3, 2004
Praga Mater Urbium
Famed Nazi hunter, Simon Wiesenthal, passed away in Vienna home at age 96.

He was a constant reminder that some people have a limitless capacity for horrible evil.

While its interesting rto read and speculate about the weapons, tactics and strategy of Germany, we must not foget the horrors they inflicted.
He was a constant reminder that some people have a limitless capacity for horrible evil.

While its interesting rto read and speculate about the weapons, tactics and strategy of Germany, we must not foget the horrors they inflicted.

In my opinion his message has subtle differences: ALL "normal" people have a POTENTIAL capacity for horrible evil.

Those criminal acts should not be related to all German people , neither all German armed forces and, more, neither all waffen-SS.

It is quite unprobable to see captain Langsdorff , major Rudel or general Galland as aware killers of defenceless people.....
All people have the capacity for commiting acts of evil. Some people act on them, and Germany seems to have had more than their fair share of them from 1933-1945.

Some members of the German military knew what was going on and refused to have anything to do with it. More than a few though knew what was going on and turned a blind eye.

Have you read "Hitlers Willing Executioners"?..... good read.
Eliminating Jews, whatever this standed for, was Hitler's official policy and bumped him onto the peak of power in 1933... Thus everything German pre- and from WWII represents the evil.
Thus everything German pre- and from WWII represents the evil.

Sorry, but this sentence is a nonsense.
I repeat, not all German people and armed forces were guilty for the crimes to Jewish, neither they created the first anti-jewish persecutions.

I ask: the word "pogrom" has German roots?
While I will admit that the anit-Jewish rhetoric did strike a chord with the common Germans, I don't think a big majority of thhem had any idea what they had in mind. I also truly believe that there were many soldiers, sailors and airmen had no idea of the killing machine that was wiping out Europe's Jews. Sure there were some, but I don't think it was anywhere near a majority.
Oh they knew. They saw the SS killer squads go into the villages and commit their acts of horror. They wondered why badly needed trains were being diverted to haul jews and others, instead of bringing supplies to the front. The SS turned this genocide into an industry. Tens of thousands knew about it and talked about it.

The "good" german folk at home also knew what was going on in the concentration camps. In 1943, one brave German priest told his congregation that to stay silent in the face of such monstrosities was an abomination. How come he knew and the others didnt?

By the way, Mousillini and Franco (Spain) both told Hitler they were not going to hand over any of their Jewish citizens to the SS. Unfortunatly for the Italians, they couldnt do anything about it.

France on the other hand, was all too willing to hand them over.
just for your information syscom, many German folk living within the Reich knew nothing of the concentration camps. Landser on the Ost front definately knew very very little as word from home usually compressed the facts about every day life and into 1945 the acts of the so-called terror bombings from the RAF and US. Even after wars end many Landser could not beleive that their govt. regime could devise such an evil as the camps to murder thousands/millions of people.

Friends of mine and familie that lived through the war and acted on Germanys behalf are quite embarassed to the point of lowering their heads when they talk of it..............the propaganda machine though for us hard to believe was that good in war time Germany.

to this day I know at least 4 vets that do not believe that Germany did this and that it is a propaganda ploy of the Allies to disgrace the common German soldier even after 60 years
Not every German knew about it. Nor did very many Germans commit the war crimes.

But then every German knew what the nazi's felt about jews. It defies explanation that hundreds of thousands of your fellow countryman are deported without anyone wondering where theyre going or whats going to happen to them.

Adolf Eichman himself said that the silence on the part of the German people was tacit agreement that the "final solution" was to continue.

Every soldier who fought in Russia knew what the SS execution (murder is a better word) squads were. They saw them go into villages. They heard the rumours.

Some brave soldiers refused to take part in this madness, and nothing ever was done to them. Too bad the huge majority didnt show some spine and speak up.
sorry but I must agree to disagree, you speak in generalities; not ever Landser on the Ost front knew of the SS Kommandos work. Too many Heer soldiers were on the front lines never relieved and fought to the end not having any clue what was done to the civilians in over-run villages and cities
If you look at the number of normal Wehrmacht soldiers during Barbarossa, and then look at the number of SS men, the numbers are going to be way more Wehrmacht. The units of the SS operated in small groups and there were far less than there were regular Army units. There is no way that they ALL saw something.

No, it's not. It's my personal feeling. I trully love German WW2 aircraft, they were on the peak of technique level of that day, but they (and any other 1933-45 German/Nazi military technique) represented the forces of evil, the forces that caused I have only 6 family members instead of 150...

How much the people in Germany knew or didn't know about proceeding the crimes on Jews/Roma/others is discutable. The fact is that antisemitism was Reich's official policy.

After lost WWI and Versaille, the proud Deutschvolk wanted to point at someone who's guilty for their unhappines. Who was first on eye? Jews! (not for the first time in history - that's why later on the state of Israel was brought to life...). This combined with hysteric, antisemtic and paranoic nature of Hitler and his fellow comrades went out into holocaust....

Of course there were really evil people, there were also brave people, who were hiding "die Untermenschen" but most of them, as allways, were neglectful...

We cannot generalise, behaviour in situations such as WWII was are purely individual (just to mention admiral Cannaris, who saved some Jews - just consider - Wehrmacht admiral!)

For me, 1933-1945 WWII Germany is an incarnated evil
Even those Germans that voted against the Nazi Party?

Germany was no more evil than any other extremist nation, Germany was just more powerful.
plan_D said:
Even those Germans that voted against the Nazi Party?

Germany was no more evil than any other extremist nation, Germany was just more powerful.

I talk about items, not people.

Of course there were really evil people, there were also brave people, who were hiding "die Untermenschen" but most of them, as allways, were neglectful...
ariel be more specific please. Not all villages had Jewish content, not ALL GERMANS knew what was going on with the Jews or eastern block populations. this myth of the all knowing German people doing nothing has been created at wars end and will surivive till the end of time.

did you know tha the war did not touch certain parts of Bayern or parts of austria where farming families could only watch Luftwaffe/US a/c combat each other in the skies, they hoping they would not be bombed out by "Terrorfliegern". these families did not have a clue of what was really going on in the interior of the Reich and it's doomsday machine. Only when the war ended and the soviets came into austria and sacked the cities did word reacah remote areas with the Farming communities in some spots going ever higher in the Alpen to escape retritbution .....
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