I think they should have concentrated more on the Me262, Ta152, Panther, maybe the V1 , forget the Me163, He162, V2,and Tiger.
They needed to start making a difference in late 43 or early 44. If they could have delayed D-Day, or turned it back. How long would it be before the Allies could try it again.
They were running out of fuel and men to man whatever weapons they developed, their only chance was a cease fire with the allies, before the shortages paralized them. Which might be possibly IF they vacated all invaded territory.
They needed to start making a difference in late 43 or early 44. If they could have delayed D-Day, or turned it back. How long would it be before the Allies could try it again.
They were running out of fuel and men to man whatever weapons they developed, their only chance was a cease fire with the allies, before the shortages paralized them. Which might be possibly IF they vacated all invaded territory.