The next Lucky13 sig...??? (2 Viewers)

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After a few pints, I'll pick anything....

I should not have said that, I should not have said that!

Great stuff Marcel!

But is it anything like you had in mind? Or do you want to have it simpler, without really changing the pictures? Which picture do you really want me to try?
Okay, Lucky, another attempt:


Much better. What about replacing of the white background with the light grey colour of the forum one?
You can see that? On my monitor I can hardly see it. I think I just should make it transparant, I think, will be independant from the background then.

Let's see what it looks like...

PNG with transparancy:

JPG with background color (JPG doesn't support transparancy):

edit, when posting I see that the PNG is not quite good, still some traces of pixels left, but the jpg seems okay, what does it look like on other monitors?
If it looks okay, than this is my final version, let's wait what Lucky thinks of it...
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Yep, I agree with you on the PNG image. The JPG looks much better and I would follow this one. A good job Marcel. :thumbright:

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