The next Lucky13 sig...??? (2 Viewers)

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Kinda like the top one (steam and proper aircraft, no wonder) and the last few with '13' in them....

The other three are beautiful with them skies!
Nice pics Lucky, I would like to try one. Unfortunately it'll have to wait for a few days more. A sudden death of a friend during Christmas makes that I have to travel north and stay for while. Next week I'll see what I can do.
Go with the 109, it is very well done, good subject and it has 13 in it.

Found this 13 in my aviation art file

Air Combat Art 0063.jpg

am looking for any other shot of a/c with 13 in them 2700 to look thru
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Thanks Grau and Lucky, unfortunately it's part of life.

But I'm back and fired up the Gimp. Tried this, not sure if you like it. It's been a long time, so I'm not up to speed, yet:

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