The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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No, I didn't. I knew it was Cinco de Mayo, and in Great Britain it's Early May
Bank Holiday. Happy Liberation Day, Mon Ami !!

TPBM celebrates Cinco de Mayo...

Yep, mine was fromt he movie Jeremiah Johnson with Robert Redford.

Redford charactor, Jeremiah Johnson comes across his friend Del Gue burried up to his neck in dirt in the hot Sun and asks:

"Injuns do this to you?"

Del Gue responds: (In a no-sh$t Sherlock tone)

"Well, it weren't the Mormons"

TPBM has never seen the movie Jeremiah Johnson.
Gee, that's a hard one. I can't think of one that I like better that others.
I guess it would have to be a John Wayne or a Henry Fonda western.

TPBM will tell us their favorite...

Nope, a single shot, break-away .410 but thats about it. Numerous dart guns with .22 loads though! :)

TPBM will explain why that computer thingy is called a 'mouse'.
Definately not old boy , thats as good an answer as any . :)

TPBM will explain why my Lady spent £105 on a handbag that's about the size of a fag packet .
Because it was expensive.....

TPBM will tell us how much is spent each year, to develop new beauty products for women compared to other products for men.....
Penderyn or Laphroaig for me , given the choice .

TPBM ketchup or brown sauce on my sausage butty

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