The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Look haveing lived on a cattle farm for my entire life i can reliably tell you that NUTHING beats a nice t-bone steak with salt and tomato sauce on it. Thats final.

TPBM does not agree.
Don't know what you mean by "out". I get "outside" every evening and
almost all weekend.

TPBM will define "out"

Nope, getting too dang old to be thinking of making a baby.

TPBM likes to go to the beach with thier GI Joe/Dan action figures (Dolls) and build little bunkers for them to watch for illegals and undesirables trying to land.
"Leatherneck Dan" ? You're putting me on, right ? The Dan I know was
four point oh, regulation, North American bluejacket !

TPBM will tell us about their supper, tonight...

Tomato sauce on shepards pie, quite good. And yes Luck in my opinion any beverage may be improved with the addition of Tomato Sauce.
TPBM likes Barbeque Sauce instead.

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