The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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No , I had quite a constructive w/end . Watched Wales get beaten by the Springboks : -( and then enjoyed the Grand Prix
TPBM has that Monday morning feeling
Yes, I (actually we) did. Drove from Va. Beach, Va. to Dover AFB, then to
Glassboro, NJ, then to Reading, Pa. And, of course back again. Had a great
time. The heat was bearable [97F].

TPBM doesn't like the "heat"

No, I like Heat, been cold all Winter and Spring, and now Summer is approaching and the temps are still below normal. I need to move to a warmer climate.

TPBM is wore out from the weekend.
Donno about Harlem or Queens, but the Bronx is in Bronx County, and
might have been named because of either this or the Bronx River.

TPBM knows more....

Nope, not really that interested to be honest. Big cities are not my thing.

TPBM would like to live in a small town where everybody knows your name (usually your business as well, but that's the tradeoff).

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