Feb 19, 2008 #281 ccheese Member In Perpetuity 12,408 131 Jul 10, 2007 Virginia Beach, Va. In Morocco I've eaten snails (called ba-bush by the arabs) and an alcoholic stew made with camel meat, called cush-cush. Wicked stuff..... TPBM likes wild game.... Charles
In Morocco I've eaten snails (called ba-bush by the arabs) and an alcoholic stew made with camel meat, called cush-cush. Wicked stuff..... TPBM likes wild game.... Charles
Feb 19, 2008 #282 Bucksnort101 2nd Lieutenant 5,952 1,367 Sep 11, 2007 Minnesota Yes I do. Some I can live without though. Wild Duck for one, taste too much like Liver for my liking... TPBM thinks eating snails is just wrong....
Yes I do. Some I can live without though. Wild Duck for one, taste too much like Liver for my liking... TPBM thinks eating snails is just wrong....
Feb 19, 2008 #283 ccheese Member In Perpetuity 12,408 131 Jul 10, 2007 Virginia Beach, Va. Actualy they are quite tasty. You can boill them or roast them (like oysters). TPBM likes raw oysters... Charles
Actualy they are quite tasty. You can boill them or roast them (like oysters). TPBM likes raw oysters... Charles
Feb 19, 2008 #284 Becca Staff Sergeant 831 0 Aug 13, 2007 Texas www.myspace.com Ew on the last 2. TPBM wonders why this day is seemingly taking TOO long, ok at least the work part.
Feb 19, 2008 #285 Bucksnort101 2nd Lieutenant 5,952 1,367 Sep 11, 2007 Minnesota Only if someone holds a gun to my head... Strange, I love all other kinds of seafood, but Oysters just make me sick thinking of eating them let alone actually eating one. TPBM thinks a nice T-Bone and Shrimp would go good at dinner tonight?
Only if someone holds a gun to my head... Strange, I love all other kinds of seafood, but Oysters just make me sick thinking of eating them let alone actually eating one. TPBM thinks a nice T-Bone and Shrimp would go good at dinner tonight?
Feb 19, 2008 #286 Bucksnort101 2nd Lieutenant 5,952 1,367 Sep 11, 2007 Minnesota Oops, clashed with Mrs. Les. TPBM will answer both my last TPBM and Les'Brides last TPBM question.
Feb 19, 2008 #287 Marcel rotartsinimdA Staff Admin Mod 10,994 5,360 Sep 19, 2006 Dordrecht www.redbeatband.nl Nope, oh well, okay, the day doesn't seem long, and I already finished work. And it's way past dinner time, so I don't think about that either. TPBM wonders how he ended up below me
Nope, oh well, okay, the day doesn't seem long, and I already finished work. And it's way past dinner time, so I don't think about that either. TPBM wonders how he ended up below me
Feb 19, 2008 #288 Njaco The Pop-Tart Whisperer 22,467 2,458 Feb 19, 2007 Fla-eee-dah! I dunno, you like it on top? Cush-cush is nasty Charles! take it from a former DeMolay! TPBM is a member of the John Birch Society.
I dunno, you like it on top? Cush-cush is nasty Charles! take it from a former DeMolay! TPBM is a member of the John Birch Society.
Feb 19, 2008 #289 ccheese Member In Perpetuity 12,408 131 Jul 10, 2007 Virginia Beach, Va. Not this week.... Maybe next... TPBM has to get up early... Charles
Feb 19, 2008 #290 Njaco The Pop-Tart Whisperer 22,467 2,458 Feb 19, 2007 Fla-eee-dah! yeah got a side job cleaning a yard of pine needles for $200. Not bad work in the snow! TPBM wants to sing "Happy Birthday" again.
yeah got a side job cleaning a yard of pine needles for $200. Not bad work in the snow! TPBM wants to sing "Happy Birthday" again.
Feb 19, 2008 #291 Trebor Master Sergeant 2,409 46 Feb 15, 2008 KCLS hmmmm, nope not today the next person is a pilot
Feb 20, 2008 Thread starter #292 Lucky13 Forum Mascot 49,412 27,671 Aug 21, 2006 In my castle.... Indeed I am.....NOT! I wish that I had licence though...for everything! TPBM has his own garage where he repair cars and motorcycles....
Indeed I am.....NOT! I wish that I had licence though...for everything! TPBM has his own garage where he repair cars and motorcycles....
Feb 20, 2008 #293 Wayne Little Moderator Staff Mod 64,443 6,771 Oct 7, 2006 Adelaide Sth. Aust. Yes I have a garage, No I don't do repairs, I think I would just make things worse? TPBM likes twirling a spanner or two...
Yes I have a garage, No I don't do repairs, I think I would just make things worse? TPBM likes twirling a spanner or two...
Feb 20, 2008 Thread starter #294 Lucky13 Forum Mascot 49,412 27,671 Aug 21, 2006 In my castle.... Yup..... TPBM has a flattop V-8
Feb 20, 2008 #295 Heinz Captain 7,686 17 Feb 6, 2007 Melbourne, Victoria wouldn;t mind. Do twirl a few spanners on our bikes and cars though. TPBM has bought their dream car...........
wouldn;t mind. Do twirl a few spanners on our bikes and cars though. TPBM has bought their dream car...........
Feb 20, 2008 #296 ccheese Member In Perpetuity 12,408 131 Jul 10, 2007 Virginia Beach, Va. No... can't afford a 49 Merc.... TPBM collects Hot Wheels.... Charles
Feb 20, 2008 #297 A4K Brigadier General 15,616 3,873 Dec 17, 2007 The back of beyond No, still suffering an addiction to aircraft models TPBM collects 'my little ponies'
Feb 20, 2008 #298 Njaco The Pop-Tart Whisperer 22,467 2,458 Feb 19, 2007 Fla-eee-dah! Yes I do, I have a pretty good collection of Matchbox, Hot Wheels, etc - all Ford Mustangs. TPBM has a spinner on his hat.
Yes I do, I have a pretty good collection of Matchbox, Hot Wheels, etc - all Ford Mustangs. TPBM has a spinner on his hat.
Feb 20, 2008 #299 ccheese Member In Perpetuity 12,408 131 Jul 10, 2007 Virginia Beach, Va. Nope.... Wear a denim cap most of the time.... TPBM still has his cabbage patch doll Charles
Feb 20, 2008 #300 Bucksnort101 2nd Lieutenant 5,952 1,367 Sep 11, 2007 Minnesota Never had a Cabbage Patch Doll. Remember working in receiving at a Target Dept. store when they were the rage. Crazyness!!! TPBM still has his GI Joe from his youth.
Never had a Cabbage Patch Doll. Remember working in receiving at a Target Dept. store when they were the rage. Crazyness!!! TPBM still has his GI Joe from his youth.