The Person Below Me (TPBM) (2 Viewers)

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Don't watch too much Television anymore. No cable or satellite dish either. Not worth spending the cash if I'm not going to watch.

TPBM watches re-runs of the Andy Griffith Show.
Yep, I'm thinking of it. But am having a Turkey sandwich as that is what I brought with me.

TPBM lifted too many weights last night and is paying the piper this morning.

Off the record gentlemen....those reality shows on history channel are nothing but, rubbish, cr*p, mince and utter sh*te...! If history channel felt the need to sell themself to the devil, as they have done with these reality shows....could they at lest have done them with connection to history... Time for some heads to roll me think....

Back on track....

TPBM will tell us the nickname of the 7th Panzer Division, when, where and why they got it....
The 7th Panzer Division moved with great speed through France and covered vast distance. During the Battle of France, the 7th Panzer Division earned the name of the Gespensterdivision (German:"Ghost/Phantom Division") because of this speed and because nobody seemed to know where it was, not even the German High Command. Rommel had a "lead from the front" attitude and would sometimes cut communications with High Command if wished not to be disturbed. His behavior showed confidence in the blitzkrieg concept; his success and favor with Hitler would prevent repercussions from his insubordination to the High Command. Nevertheless, Rommel was criticized by staff for being difficult to contact and locate.

This from Wiki..

TPBM wonders where Lucky comes up with this stuff....

Gerry and the Pacemakers were a Liverpool based rock band in the 60's. There were contemporaties of the Beatles, managed by Brian Epstein and toured at many of the same European clubs as the Beatles in the early 60's. Hit's included songs such as: Don't Let the Sun Catch You Crying and Ferry Cross the Mersey.

TPBM knew that the founder of the Miracle Ear hearing aid, Ken Dahlberg, was a WWII fighter pilot from the State of Minnesota.
No.... I did not know that....
On a side note, I'm sorry I could'nt get on early today to follow up my post from last night.... I was busy moving goats
TPBM did know Bucksnorts little tidbit

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