The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Maybe, am heading to a Model Aircraft show on Saturday and hope to make it out hunting for the rest of the weekend.

TPBM is going to watch Football all weekend.
As a matter of fact our AFL Grand Final is saturday so that is covered and Sunday our local league has a preliminary final, with my team playing. so I guess I will be on the Footy bandwagon for a reasonable portion of the weekend.

TPBM is having a glass of orange juice for breakfast...
Yep, nice and Sunny this morning. Is going to be sunny and in the upper 60's and 70's all weekend. Leave have been changing pretty quickly the last week now as well.

TPBM goes for long drives in the fall to look at the leaves changing colors.
Not as often as I used too with the gas prices being what they are nowadays and having a truck that likes to drink a lot of it.

TPBM drives a gas hog as well.
Could eat it....

TPBM will tell us who wrote these lines....

"No Man's Land is pocketmarked like the body of foulest disease and its odour is the breath of cancer...No Man's Land under snow is like the face of the moon, chaotic, crater-ridden, uninhabitable, awful, the abode of madness.

Hideous landscapes, vile noises....everything unnatural, broken, blastered; the distortion of the dead, whose unburiable bodies sit outside the dug-outs all day, all night, the most execrable sights on earth."


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