The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Oh yeah! My favourite character was Starbuck, and they really screwed him up in the new series. I mean, why the hell would you make a womanizer a woman?? Makes no f**king sense....
TPBM has never seen either Battlestar Galatica....
I've got a truck with a V8, letely it sometimes wants to be a V7 as it seems to have taken a liking to blowing one spark plug out of it's threads!!!

TPBM has never heard a spark plug blow out of its threads.
I twisted a wrench for over 25 years. VW Beetles had a nasty habit of
doing just that. They also were prone to swallowing a valve (#3).

TPBM would like to have a nice 1957 Beetle in pristine condition.


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