The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Usually, last few years it has been below average, but the saying up here is that we will pay for that soober or later. I think we are in for a snowy winter this year.

TPBM can tell when it is going to rain by how badly his body aches.
Yep, sure do. Usually have 4 or 5 different brands lying around and sample them every so often.

TPBM thinks it's a sin to mix good whisky with cola or lemon-lime soda.
From wikipedia:

Scrapple is a savory mush of pork scraps and trimmings combined with cornmeal and flour, often buckwheat flour. The mush is formed into a loaf, and slices of the scrapple are then fried before serving. Scraps of meat left over from butchering, too small to be used or sold elsewhere, were made into scrapple to avoid waste. Scrapple is best known as a regional food of Delaware, South Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland.

Quite off-limits to me!
TPBM can't go one meal without meat....

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