The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yep, was going to work on the truck, but the tool I need will not be in until next week, so I'm going to a Woodworking Expo instead.

TPBM wants a ride in the Cedar Strip Canoe I hope to build in the next year or so.
Yes I did, oh wait I'm Bucky, I knew that. Have not done much work lately though. Too Humid and cash is low currently. Hope to get work on it again soon. Guitar will also be a lefty Marcel so you may have troubles playing it?

TPBM wants to see Guitar building progress soon.
Oh yes I do. Got many Hendrix CD's. One that has about 7 different versions of Red House on it from various concents and such.

TPBM likes Stevie Ray Vaughn's version of Voodoo Chile better than Jimmy's.
Nope, Father was though. I used to tag along for a ride in the Semi-Truck when I was a youngster. Long, hard days.

TPBM has exciting plans for this weekend.
Sure would! As long as one of you gents pays for the gas...
TPBM is Bucky and will tell me if there is a WJM tele station in the twin cities area.... please and thank you!
It is I. WJM tele is where Mary Tyler Moore worked on the Mary Tyler Moore show. Ficticious.

TPBM preferred WKRP Radio?
Right, Mate... I just got up a couple of hours ago. Living "down under" must
be hard on the system !

TPBM likes waffles for breakfast.... with lots of butter...


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