The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yeah, and I like to do inconsiderate things to people that have thier cell phones glued to thier ears and are not paying attention to traffic.

TPBM can give me ideas of things to irratate inattentive drivers.
Ah honk your horn and when they look over at you cut them off.......ahh

Honk and when they look over and take your cell phone out as in a gesture to close the phone.

I don't know lol

TPBM has been in a traffic accident before
Too many to list. Motorcycle and Airliner accidents as well.

TPBM thinks I shoudl stear clear of riding in an Ocean Liner and Passenger train with my track record.
December 11th, 2000, Sun Country 727 from Minneapolis to Chicago, O'hare airport skids off off Icy runway. When I looked down at the runway I thought to myself he's not going to land on that is he? Yes he is!!! Landed and did not seem to be slowing down. Heard the engines going into heavy reversal and still did not seem to be slowing much. Then the pilot made a pretty hard turn to the left, I knew that wasn't right as we were still going pretty past. Couple hard bumps and bounces later we finally came to a stop in the snow on the edge of the airport. Gal behind me rocked her seat back and forst saying it was loose back in Mpls before we left the ground. When we got out of the plane (about an hour later) we were about 100 yards from the big orange snow fence at the end of the runway, not much room left at all. Pilot came out and did not look happy at all.
Thankfully no one was injured, just a little nerve racking for a short time there.
Incident was even on the National News and in the Paper.

TPBM does not like flying on an Airliner.
Nope, saw about a dozen cops have a couple guys on the ground in the middle of a bridge once, all had thier guns drawn and pointed at them. Must have just got them as it was pretty nuts. I got the heck out of there before bullets started to fly.

TPBM carries a large caliber crime deterant device, aka Smith&Wesson Hand Cannon!!!
Own several, mostly for hunting and some plinking. Next purchase will be a Concealed Carry Weapon. Doing research on what to get as we speak. Thinking revolver for ease of maintenance.

TPBM has suggestions for a CC handgun.
I didn't write it, but it's sure damned appropriate......

Ode to Enterprise Across the mighty Pacific, in this stinking lousy spot,
We're doomed to spend our time, on the ship that God forgot.
Down with the Captain and Admiral, we're boys in navy blue,
Right in the middle of nowhere, six thousand miles from you.

We freeze, we seat, we strain, it's more than we can stand,
But still we're not called prisoners, just defenders of our land.
We're sailors in the Navy, we earn our measily pay.
Giving our lives for the free world, for just $2.50 a day.

Living with our memories and thinking of our gals,
Hoping that while we're away, they're not going out with our pals.
No one knows we're living and no one gives a damn
As home, we're soon forgotten, now owned by Uncle Sam.

The time we spend at sea is time we'll never miss
So let the draft get you, boys, for God's sake, don't enlist.
At last, when we pass the pearly gate, we'll hear St. Peter yell
"Fall out you guys off Enterprise, you've spent your time in hell."

TPBM can write a better one.

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