The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Sorry in the best interest of self preservation Il stay off all planes,boats and trains .I will however get very drunk

TPBM likes to sleep under the stars and has done so and will tell us all about it
Saw a Mother Black Bear and three of her cubs one fall. Was just coming out of the woods to where my truck was parked and saw them out of the corner of my eye. Thought they were dogs until I turned to look at them. About 75 yards or so away from me.

TPBM has had a close encounter with a wild animal.
Nope, two pair of everyday shoes, one of which are soon to be decommisioned, once I find a hazardous waste material place that will take them. Two pairs of dress shoes, and two pairs of hunting boots.

TPBM thinks they are entitled to a Government funded bailout.
I wish.... This is a normal slow time in the auto industry. People have better
things to spend their dough on than their wheels.

TPBM is SE....


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