The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yep, somewhere around 80 degrees would be sufficient.

TPBM has went straight from a nice hot Sauna and dipped into a frozen Lake (crazy Scandinavians).
Not in this lifetime !! I get cold just thinking about it...

TPBM has his stocking attached to the mantle already.... [Lucky
uses pantyhose cause they hold more]

Have no idea as of yet....

TPBM is an Agnostic.....

TPBM has his stocking attached to the mantle already.... [Lucky uses pantyhose cause they hold more]Charles
Yup, Njaco borrowed me a pair of his....hoping for plenty of good stuff this year....well I can dream, can't I?
TPBM has went straight from a nice hot Sauna and dipped into a frozen Lake (crazy Scandinavians).
You lot should try it, it's refreshing and feel alive!
Nope, not me.

TPBM beleives this product (Engine Starting Fluid) has the greatest and most fitting name for what it is used for, and it's hilarious as well.


  • Start Ya Bastard.jpg
    Start Ya Bastard.jpg
    25.6 KB · Views: 74
I've never heard of it !! Must be brewed in a foreign country. Wow !
Twenty-four percent ether.... Someone hold the cylinder head down !!

TPBM would not own a car he had to use that stuff on....

I do own a car I could and have used started fluid on. Only when it's extremely cold out though. Start Ya Bastard is brewed in Australia, I want a can just for laughs.

TPBM has build a Potato cannon and has done some damage with it.
Nope, far from it.

TPBM can't wait for Santa to bring them something nice for Christmas (I'm hopning for a one way ticket to somewhere warm, Hawaii, or Africa).

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