The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Yes, many, many years ago when it was first in Theaters. Not thier best work IMHO.

TPBM thinks the Black Knights injuries were more than mere flesh wounds.
Actually, I watched one yesterday. "Singin' Sandy" in "Riders of Destiny".

TPBM knows who "Singin Sandy" was....

Yeah, I'm a John Wayne fan, maybe not the biggest, but I do like watching the war movies he was in (The Longest Day, The Green Berets, In Harm's Way). Wish he was still around and acting.

TPBM would always pick John Wayne over Ben Affleck as the better actor.
Guess you could call it that... I can't stand to be in total darkness. Guess
that's a holdover from when my mother use to lock me in a closet while she
went to the market.

TPBM plans on being on the golf course today...


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