The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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It's a Dutch dish.... Here's the recipe...

500 gr klapstuk*
750 gr winterwortel
250 gr uien
1 kg aardappelen

Laat het klapstuk in ± 1 1/2 uur in krap 1 liter water bijna gaar trekken
Voeg er de in plakjes gesneden peen en uien aan toe (door de uien eerst licht aan te fruiten wordt de smaak wat pittiger) en de in vieren gesneden aardappelen
Doe er naar smaak wat zout bij en laat alles 3 kwartier zachtjes stoven, tot het gaar is
Roer de aardappelen en de groenten door elkaar en voeg royaal versgemalen peper toe
Snijd het vlees in plakken en leg die op de hutspot
Tip: Geef er in bouillon geweekt geroosterd witbrood bij, met wat appelmoes erop
* Klapstuk is rundvlees dat gesneden is van de borst
Het vlees is doorregen met kleine vetrandjes die het vlees een karakteristieke smaak geven
Klapstuk kan goed worden gecombineerd met tijm, rozemarijn, foelie, laurier of kruidnagel

TPBM would like to try it...

Charles [my thanks to Google]
Never heard of babelfish? :lol: okay then, because I'm Dutch:
500 gr klapstuk (=Beef from the breast)
750 gr wintercarrot
250 gr Onions
1 kg potatoes

Kook the "klapstuk" 'till almost done for about ±1 1/2 h
Add pieces of union and carrot (if you first bake the unions a little, the taste will be more spicy) and add the potatoes, cut in 4.
Add salt to your liking and boil it slightly with closed lid for 3 quarters of an hour untill it's well done.
Mix the stuff and add lots of chillypepper.
Cut the meat in slices and put it on the hutspot.
Tip: Serve with roasted wheatbread, dipped in bouillon and apple mousse.
There's some other info, but I'm tired of translating :lol:
For your info: We usually eat this in winter and my family makes it slightly different. Everybody has his own recipe for Hutspot, I think.

TPBM will tell his favorite dish
Yeah, its been pretty sunny out the past couple of days, and the temperature is picking up too. Kinda wished I had brought some shorts up when I was still home, though. :)

TPBM still has a foot of snow on the ground where they live.

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