The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Not sure if I do or not, had once strange occurance soon after my Mother passed away a few years ago. Did not see anything, had a light come on all by itself after I had just turned it off. Was one of those lights haning from the ceiling that you pull a chain to turn it on and off. Could have been just not pulling it to make the switch completely turn off, but it was a good 30-45 seconds after I pulled it and the light came on again.

TPBM thinks I had too much Whiskey that day.
Captain of the fabled "Flying Dutchman" Ghostship. Some say he was actually the source of the name "Flying Dutchman".

TPBM can tell me where
Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg is located.
Yep, heading with a few friends to a Traditional Archery Shoot over in Wisconsin for the weekend. Longbow better shoot well

TPBM has never shot a bow and arrow in thier entire life.
Once by my Aunts, told he lived in the Barn on the Grandparents farm. Hated going in there as a child as it had not been in use for decades, dark and musty and you never knew where the Bogeyman was waiting to get you.

TPBM knows what a Scuzzlebutt is.

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