The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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I haven't had a drink since the office Christmas party. I don't miss hangovers for sure. I prefer a good nights sleep these days but am not scared to have a beer with friends if the situation arrives like TPBM.
Nope.... I'm a card carrying member of AA. Been dry since 13 March 1972.
.... but who's counting ???

TPBM is extremely tired from his week-end activities.....

Nope, would like to someday though, when and if time permits.

TPBM has been known to gather wild edible plants, like Mushrooms, Wild Leeks (Ramps), Fiddleheads, Dandelions, etc...
Yep, will be after Wild Turkeys in two weeks, and Elk in Colorado with my Longbow at the end of September.

TPBM prefers to hunt for thier dinner at the grocery store.
Have used one for mant years, and getting away from them though and will mainly be hunting with my Longbow and Muzzleloading Rifle this year.

TPBM is thinking that instead of going out for lunch today they will take a power nap instead.
When I went to Jr. High [circa 1948], we had a cafeteria, and the chow was
pretty good. No fast food, no hamburgers or sloppy joes, just a really
decent meal. And, I think the price was .35 cents. Few kids brown-bagged

TPBM is a brown-bagger....


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