The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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No longer own a boat, but have been threatening to build a Cedar Strip Canoe or Kayak one of these days. Why buy one when you can build one. Gotta get the Guitar finished first though.

TPBM wishes I would get back to my Guitar Buildalong and post some updates already;)
Not being into guitars, it don't matter to me. You probably need to get back to it for your own peace
of mind....

TPBM has a nagging ache....


Yepp shes gone to bed now.

TPBM is considering emigrating....
C22: Guess again...I am planning a holiday to Germany and my fave country, Austria.
Been there before, wanna go there again with my buddies. :)
Plus there's plenty of other places I'd like to visit, so I'd be happy to go travelling. ;)

TPBM don't know much about motorcycles.
Nope, I do however know it hurts like heck when you fly over thier handlebars and slide down the blacktop road on your shoulder!!!

TPBM has never been in a moving vehicle accident.
Not really, the only time would be when I hit a patch of ice on the way to work, and hit the curb. No cars around, going pretty slow, only chip my tires.

TPBM wouldn't want to be a redshirt in Star Trek.
Nope, sucks to be a Red Shirt on the Enterprise, plus your acting career was pretty short;)

TPBM wonders how many "alien space Children" Captain Kirk has out there?
Nope, used to smoke the occasional Cigar, but no more. As far as I can tell TOS stands for The Original Series.

TPBM is going to have a Beer after work today.

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