The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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No longer own a boat, but have been threatening to build a Cedar Strip Canoe or Kayak one of these days. Why buy one when you can build one. Gotta get the Guitar finished first though.

TPBM wishes I would get back to my Guitar Buildalong and post some updates already
Not being into guitars, it don't matter to me. You probably need to get back to it for your own peace
of mind....

TPBM has a nagging ache....


Yepp shes gone to bed now.

TPBM is considering emigrating....
C22: Guess again...I am planning a holiday to Germany and my fave country, Austria.
Been there before, wanna go there again with my buddies.
Plus there's plenty of other places I'd like to visit, so I'd be happy to go travelling.

TPBM don't know much about motorcycles.
Nope, I do however know it hurts like heck when you fly over thier handlebars and slide down the blacktop road on your shoulder!!!

TPBM has never been in a moving vehicle accident.
Nope, sucks to be a Red Shirt on the Enterprise, plus your acting career was pretty short

TPBM wonders how many "alien space Children" Captain Kirk has out there?
Nope, used to smoke the occasional Cigar, but no more. As far as I can tell TOS stands for The Original Series.

TPBM is going to have a Beer after work today.

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