The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Nope, went for one semester and had to quit. Never liked school much, was more apt to learn things on my own terms.

TPBM likes spicy food served with a cold beverage.
I haven't been yet and don't know why. I only live down the road a bit.

I enjoy the Texas ethnic towns of central Texas like TPBM.
I don't mind solo adventures especially if they are challenging but not deadly. Like the last elk hunt I went on and was by myself searching for a blood trail and started being stalked by a large bear in some heavy brush. I was wishing I wasn't solo at the time but all turned out alright.

TPBM has had similar solo and worried experiences.
I was alone through a lot of adventures in Alaska, like doing aerobatics in a little restored Luscombe near a glacier, or taking a drive through a strip of wilderness that included a quote-unquote "bed and breakfast" where the bedrooms locked from the outside. And--I wasn't completely alone but I was cut off--I had an allergic reaction while in a cabin out in the bush where the only other pilots that could get me back to town had been drinking and the other one wasn't certified in the aircraft type and didn't want to risk his license. That was a long night...

Other than that, I try to seek out a great deal of solo adventures everywhere I go.

TPBM has a favorite lake to visit.
Haven't been on a lake, other than for Ice fishing for several years.
I love going out in the wilderness all by myself. No one to keep up with, or have keep up with me. Was stalked by a Coyote once while Turkey hunting, he though my calls were the real thing. No biggie. I was lost in the Colorado Rockies for around 9hours while Elk hunting. Was getting ready to find a spot to make a shelter and spend the night when I finally came across a logging road and found my way out.

TPBM is a city slicker and prefers to stay in town.
Yeah, don't get out as much as I would like lately with the bad achilles acting up.

TPBM will tell us the most exiting thng that they have ever done.
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Was in the Army when I was stuck in the middle of a bridge (one of those exercise thingys), which we were guarding, when I was almost run down by a train. Had to throw myself down on my stomach beside the track, while the train passed inches away from me....
This was during winter and the water below hadn't really frozen yet....rather exiting then I thought. :lol:

TPBM gets the chill, looking at this pic....


  • USS Philippine Sea (CV-47).jpg
    USS Philippine Sea (CV-47).jpg
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Already had a few today, might pop out for another one.....

TPBM is looking forward to a nice and quiet weekend...
Yeah, going to hit an Traditional archery shoot with my nephew and hit the woodworking store looking for Cedar plank for a Cedar Strip Canoe I want to build, may even glue some stuff to the Guitar I'm building if time permits.

TPBM does not see the point in hanging around a crowded beach and laying in the sand.
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