The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yup, and bored. Wish I was in Montana fishing.

TPBM is going fishing.
Yes, was bored this morning. Did not want to do much of anything so jumped in the truck and went for a drive in the countryside.

TPBm likes to hop in the car and drive to no where in particular every once and a while
Nope. I don't have a car. ;)
And if I had the choice, I'd rather take a motorcycle, even in december-january. :lol:

TPBM also likes winter.
Nope...this is the best part of my day...about 11:15PM when I get home, make dinner, cuddle up in bed watching my favorite shows, maybe take a midnight swim. But I don't like alarm clocks and I work again at 11:30 tomorrow afternoon. I know I can't's not 5AM or anything...but I'm just not a morning person!

TPBM likes a completely different schedule than their significant other.

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