The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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I always hope for such luck, but it seems that many people in the office are out today, so I might leave early like TPBM.
Nope, gotta put in my 8 hours, not much to do at work today and I'm afraid the rest of the week looks the same.

TPBM hates when it's slow at work as it makes for a long day.
Actually, don't really watch to much TV/Movies in general, too much other stuff to keep me occupied.

TPBM watches way too much television and has a permanant butt impression in thier couch/chair.
Nope, the butt impression is in my pc/office chair.
The sofa has an Entire-Me-In-My-Full-Length-impression instead.

TPBM has a truckload of historical information about Adolf Galland that they would love to share with me.
Nope, saving my good mood for the upcoming 3 day weekend. Today, I'm just hoping to get through the day without being hauled away in a little (maybe not so little) white jacket with tie behind your back sleeves.

TPBM is sore all over from thier latest workout.

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