The Person Below Me (TPBM) (2 Viewers)

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Yep, hope to do some camping, fishing, hiking, and biking this weekend. Would "float a boat" like Sabrina says, but I sold it several years ago. Looking at buying a Kayak/Canoe Hybrid to fish and paddle around in.

TPBM has hiked in the Colordo Rockies, as I will be in September.
Nope. Don't like hiking per say , but I do like to track animal prints to see what I end up eye to eye with.

TPBM.....likes to get away to the country every now and then.
Nope, I'm pretty good at that myself, two cars written off and one motorcycle. Should have been dead after the first car accident, wished I was dead after the motorcycle accident. All better now, well, kinda

TPBM would like to go for a ride with me in my latest automobile

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