The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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no........or am on a side note the most common symptoms are epilectic like problems )

TPBM buys a magazine every month, they will disclose what exactly it is.......
Not every month, but the Hungarian 'Pro Modell' modelling magazine is usually good-some very talented modelmakers around!

TPBM prefers Hustler, etc for a 'light peruse'
No, don't buy them or subscribe. However, if one is laying around....

TPBM skipped breakfast this morning...

Nope, am considering building a guitar though, does that count.

TPBM is sick and tired of Winter!!!
Sure do... Had some on my Chipotle Burrito last night, kid said it was hot. He must have had a weak tongue;)

TPBM wonders how Charles rates getting to work two half days in a row?
Not the one by my nearest my home. Last time I was there there was a fistfight over a parking space, two nights before Christmas.

TPBM will explain what TNP means.

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