The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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no........or am on a side note the most common symptoms are epilectic like problems )

TPBM buys a magazine every month, they will disclose what exactly it is.......
Not every month, but the Hungarian 'Pro Modell' modelling magazine is usually good-some very talented modelmakers around!

TPBM prefers Hustler, etc for a 'light peruse'
Sure do... Had some on my Chipotle Burrito last night, kid said it was hot. He must have had a weak tongue

TPBM wonders how Charles rates getting to work two half days in a row?
Not the one by my nearest my home. Last time I was there there was a fistfight over a parking space, two nights before Christmas.

TPBM will explain what TNP means.

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