The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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I've seen them ! I am going to start a Personal Gallery of my JM's. Just
waiting for them to bud out. Soon, my friends, soon...

TPBM has a sister....

Well sorta, just cleaned my fishtank and found about 60 babies dont know who the parents are yet.

TPBM wants an aquarium with fish....hint hint:D
A bamboo flyrod is parasite that attaches itself to the flight feathers of a yellow bellied sapsucker.

TPBM believes me.
WoW !! I'm impressed. Of course, when you're logged on for eight hours
a day, five days a week......

TPBM will tell me how many posts per day that is....

One week, 5 days: 3000/5 = 600 posts a day, probably not. I bet you did 12.45 posts a day, am I right?

TPBM thinks Bucky needs a nice siggy

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