The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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never had a licnece....always interrupted...not been able to finish...first military service and work...lmao.....ONE DAY!!!

TPBM is shorter than 5' 10
Ah Mon Ami.... five foot five inches is a bit small to be playing
basketball. I'd never get the ball !!

TPBM is glad this work day is over...

You can say that again. One more to go then two free days of doing whatever I please. Archery range most likely.

TPBM will tell me what I need to get next, a good router or a bigger table and re-saw guide for my bandsaw.
I don't know if it would happen. I'm not afraid of them running, but would be scared out of my shorts if they won.

TBPM builds models

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