The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nup never read any of them, I am a minority it seems

( nice conversion Marcel! )

TPBM wants to change career...............
I had thought of becoming a male stripper, but my wife talked me out of it.
Think I'll stay in the automotive business.

TPBM hadn't noticed my siggy is smaller.

Nope.... as a youngster barefoot was a big no no. Very comfortable with
my shoes on. Except, of course when I have my pipe and slippers !

TPBM is a country-boy...

Nope, Jeans and a t-shirt, or all camoflage (save underwear) for those weekends in the woods.

TPBM thinks Camoflage undies are not safe for hunting purposes.
It shouldn't matter..... unless your running around the woods in your
undies !!

TPBM is thinking about something to eat....

Oh yes I do. Every other teenager I see doesn't though. They have to walk funny to keep the from falling off too.

TPBM laughs every time he see's some teenager with his waistband down by his knees.
Oh yea... The city of Va. Beach tried to pass a law forbidding the low slung
trousers, with the crotch dragging the ground, and the underwear showing.
They got laughed at in all the major newspapers. Whoever sponsored the
bill withdrew it prior to a vote.

TPBM wears his ballcap backwards....


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