The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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And the man in the pics is Machine Gun Kelly....

TPBM is interested in mafia of the golden era 1920's and 30's..
Indeed I do, my good man...

TPBM have seen this man before and will tell us who he is...

Not a clue.

TPBM remembers what caliber handgun Jonny Dangeously's nemesis used to shoot through schools?
Gangster Comedy with Micheal Keaton as Johnny Dangerously. His nemesis, played by Joe Piscapo shot an 88 Magnum;)

TPBM thinks someone would put an eye out shooting an 88 Magnum.
No. If your 401k looks anything like my IRA, I don't wanna know nothin'.

TPBM is getting ready to open their pool.


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