The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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My wife bought me a hollow-body guitar a couple of years ago. It was
chocolate and I ate it all ! I have wondered if a solid chocolate would have
been better...

TPBM likes chocolate too

Used to. Liked slasher movies. Now I like the more cerebral stuff. But they are far and few between. Loved "Seven". Now that was a mind-eff.

TPBM likes comedies the best.
Nope, really don't. They don't do comedy like they use to. Abbot
Costello, Three Stoges, Skelton, Hope, even Crosby were good in their day.
I don't like to watch a show where you hear the canned laughter every five

TPBM agrees...

Nope.... Not on my list of shows to watch. Prefer "action" shows.

TPBM likes his eggs "over easy'....


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