The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nope, too much work and effort and the end product would be no better looking anyway;(

TPBM would have liked to have been a Mountain Man, live on thier wits, and have no one to answer to but themselves and God.

Good chinese food is rare. Most of it tends to be MSG infused, fried soggy crap or cheap veggies.

I agree with Bucksnort.

TPBM wishes he had a secure job.
I do, get them late winter for some reason. Doc thinks it's related to the Ice on the local lakes thawing and the dead weeds releasing allergins. Read it in an article. Starnge to get allergies in the Winter.

TPBM thinks my Doc if full of Beans with regards to my allergic reactions in the late Winter months.

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