The Person Below Me (TPBM) (2 Viewers)

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No, mine's been pretty relaxed. Started on a Luftwaffe project due in 3 weeks, so not terribly rusjed.

The person below me just bought a new model but has one they have to finish before they can start it.
Well, sorta. I have a Stuka under construction, a bf-109 waiting to be
painted, and a "Rufe" waiting in the wings. However, all mine are rubber powered flying models.

TPBM wanted a baked potato for supper....

nah but its on the 'to buy' list along with a new Honda CBR 250 for my first bike..............

TPBM goes fishing often..........
Would I be a colleague to you then Mr C?

With wrecked/knackered I meant...worn out...tired...:lol: but I'll buy those who want a dram and for Mr C anything else that he fancies...

TPBM wants summer.....NOW!
Here's her number and address Mr C..... orange jiuce....even I love that stuff.

TPBM is a fan of the BeeGees....

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