The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nah... I'll pass on the pork BBQ. Going to an oyster roast, Sunday !

TPBM will tell me the time and temp where they are...

It is 4:30 Central Time. Temp is almost 60 degrees and bright blue skys. Perfect for wandering around the woods and flinging some arrows at targets.

TPBM thinks flinging arrows from a recurve sounds like perfectly good fun.
It's a fancy bow (and in bow and arrow). Bucky is into those things...

TPBM likes scrapple with his eggs......

It's a meat patty (usually square) made with pork and other pork
"by-products". It's like scotch.... you have to acquire a taste for it.
I think it's good, but I don't wanna know what's in it...

TPBM thinks TPAM has lead a sheltered life.

Nope. No one their right mind, or at least who has never lived the 28 depression, would eat scrapple, tripe, headcheese or any other organ meat. Effing god awful people. :puke:

TPBM is as stupid as I am on recognizing flags and their countries of origin.

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