The Person Below Me (TPBM) (2 Viewers)

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Just for grins.. what the hell would I do with a donkey AND a cow ?
I sincerely doubt I would buy either, let alone both.

TPBM thinks Bucky is out of touch....

BTW, I think Catch and TL have great Siggy's

Could always use a good laugh, especially when my step daughter is being a demon child from hell.

TPBM has step children...........and I feel sorry for you if you do.
Not really....dreaming about sitting on this wee boat with some....nice looking birds, cold drinks....and some nice food.


TPBM wants an invite...
Sure, I'd like to come along. But... your pic is out of date. Did you notice
the Twin Towers of NYC in the background ? They are history !

TPBM don't care to go to sea on a boat....


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