The Person Below Me (TPBM) (2 Viewers)

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Not so much seasickness that will keep me off that boat, it's the fact that I've been in two major car accidents, one Motorcycle accident, and one airliner sliding off the runway. I don't have the courage to go on a Oceanliner or a Passenger train at this time.

TPBM doesn't blame me for being a coward;)
My favorite, Hot Dogs Beans (serves one). Take three hot dogs, cut
them into 1/2 inch pieces. Open a can of Campbells Pork Beans, dump
into a bowl, add pieces of hot dogs and nuke for about 2.25 minutes.
Pepper to taste. Very good with a "cold one".

TPBM will try it this weekend...

A real dutch winter meal:

3 lbs potato
2 onion
1 bay leaf
1 lb kale
1 pinch salt
1 pinch ground pepper
1 lb smoked sausage
1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoons butter

- Peel and dice potatoes and onions.
- Clean, trim and slice kale.
- Add the potatoes, onion, kale, a bay leaf, a pinch of salt and just enough water to cover all in pan.
- Cover and boil gently for about 25 minutes.
- steam the smoked sausage for the same amount of time and slice.
- Remove the bay leaf, drain the vegetables, and mash them.
- Add milk and butter.
- Stir in the hot, sliced smoked sausage, add salt and pepper to taste and serve.

TPBM doesn't feel like trying it
I can....

TPBM is in a better mood than me....I'm fed up, depressed, sad, had enough...why do I bother, is this all worth it....why does everything have to be a struggle?:(

Sorry Adler for my "stupid", "Why" thread.....:(
I'm in a pretty good mood today, after all it's Wurger's Birthday ! The forum
should rejoice !

TPBM did not know today was Wurger's birthday ..... [he's 46].

Nope.... Broke my nose in an auto accident and broke both ankles in an
aircraft accident. That's enough !!

TPBM has "hay fever"


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