The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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I love visiting capital cities and catherdral towns but, I also love the chill out factor of the coast, moors and woods.
TPBM woulld prefer to live on the coast....
Then I truly am living the dream......... living on the coast of Oz.
Being from California, there is not a beach on the coast of CA that doesn't have crowds.
Here in Oz, I've driven down to Melbourne and am amazed beaches 5 miles long, and not a soul onnum!

TPBM dreams of these kinds of beaches.
BTW, my above post I meant Star Trekky........... haha.

We have some quiet beaches here... but, you need to be very agile to get down the cliff !
The sea here is too cold.
Nice and warm in the Med.
TPBM likes the sea a bit warmer too...
did some body surfing and boogie boarding a few times but rather spend my time 30 feet or more under the surface of the warm, clear water. wished i had started diving 30 years sooner...but better late than never...

TPBM also started a hobby/activity later in life

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