The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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pretty much gave up following sports as i was always working when the games are played. but still catch a girls college softball game now and then

TPBM also prefers amature sports to professional
Footballers are entertainers and paid accordingly. The pleasure they give the millions on a Saturday Tuesday is beyond roubles.
We live for football.
So does the TPBM
Footballers are entertainers and paid accordingly. The pleasure they give the millions on a Saturday Tuesday is beyond roubles.
We live for football.
So does the TPBM

A good thing for pig's bladder kickers that they don't get paid according to the pleasure they give me.

Now cricketers, thats different. Lets see pigs bladder kickers stand up to a 150 kph lightweight cannon ball with just a big stick to defend themselves.

I used to play hockey. That is like rugby but all the players have a 1 metre long stick with another hard heavy 150 kph ball.

Pigs bladder kicking. Thats for wimps (unless the bladder is still inside the pig.)

WHAT... a former Plymothian who does not support ( worship) the Supergreens?

Football is very tribal and all the better for that.
You cannot beat being part of the Green Army John...especially on away days to Northern towns.

'Rochdales a sh*ithole we're be glad to go home' Sung at full volume of course.

Cricket is great too, the Olympic hockey team were outstanding, Rugby is great is king.

TPBM totally agrees...

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