The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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I wouldn't go quite that far old sport
But, what is the point for alcohol free beer?
If you don't want beer drink a nice soft drink like Victorian lemonade with ice.
TPBM likes the tang of lemon too...
I'm more curious, as to know, that Victorian lemonade with ice is......nice..?
Starting to see a worrying trend here, no bacon in the fridge, Victorian lemonade with ice as being nice....
I think that an explanation is to be expected....

TPBM agrees....
Right... that'll be me

Fentimans - Ginger Beer, Victorian Lemonade, Orange Jigger, Curiosity Cola, Shandy

For some bizarre reason I do like fentimans victorian lemonade. I also like the French lemon sorbet. I haven't got much of a sweet tooth so the tangy lemon is a favourite.
In fact the only lemons I don't like are Citroen's

No Bacon? That has been rectified. In fact I now have 4 packs of 16 rashers in the fridge ready for a spot of cooking tomorrow.

TPBM are with me on the lemon front.....
hobby shops...dont avoid them just dont have time for those kinds of hobbies right now.

TPBM has a stack of models they have been wanting to build for a long time

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