The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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no bats ( or what ever they are called ) make me cringe. i had a second grade teacher with a paddle like that....and i was no angel.

TPBM has had their share of "seat warmings" from a teacher
Oh yea. Spent one year in Catholic School (8th grade, which I failed) and Sister Ida was always on my case. She had an oak 18 inch ruler which she handled like a pro. She always called me, "incorrigable". I was 18 before I knew what it meant.

TPBM thinks that's funny.....

Used to Teach at Adult night school, Calligraphy.

When I was in 5th grade the principal had a paddle, now I think it was about a foot square with a table tennis type handle, holes thru to get speed up to super sonic. Hurt like the dickens.

TPBM used to get it at school.

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