The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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dont know, how long is your moustache wayne??? seriously tho...highly doubt it... if we are talking about models....other stuff perhaps.

TPBM likes to try to fix things themselves....maybe even things they shouldnt attempt to fix....
Not so much that I like to fix things myself, but I hate to pay someone else my hard earned money for something I can fix, or try to fix myself.

TPBM is also a cheapskate in this regard.
have had a stash and some form of beard for 40 years.....i did shave it once and scared the crap out of my wife.

and certain things ( things i really care enough not to experiment my fathers watch ) i will pay whatever it costs to get it done right.

TPBM has some family heirlooms they cherish

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