The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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You may just have too many which means you should give one away and I think I know a person who could use one (definitely not implying me!)

TPBM would like a new toy also!
wow...explain this thread. well 1) its like either like the taste of it or not. and if you do you drink it and if you dont you...well dont. 2) its a test bed for levity. you can ask about something you like, do, hate, etc., and see how it rebounds among the other participants. so you can find the answer to the age old question..."is it just me or..." 3) like a prisioner of war...everyone needs a little purpose and structure in their life...if even as a it is. 4) everyone needs a little pythonesque silliness in their life....and here it is. that is it in a nut shell

TPBM thinks i have way over thought this ( i am going for the is it just me thing here )

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